From The Desk Of Jakob Musıck: Secretary-General of Nothing
May 22 2017 (Jim Crow begins)
3 Prairial an 225 de la Révolution
Year Juche 106
Day Hnsw 27
“Everything Under Heaven Is In Utter Chaos; The Situation Is Excellent”So here we are, brothers and sisters. The Washington clique is in utter disarray, perhaps in the most serious way since the scandal of the Watergate Hotel. The elites, who had barely accepted the Reality Star, are moving to the point where, more and more, they are realizing he is a liability to the entire establishment. He is what one of our electoral ‘choices’ said of himself about 10 years ago- Trump is a “maverick.” He clearly got a ‘wake-up call’ in the sense that the United States is not a Presidential Republic, the legislature has much power, and going in already, his foreign policy ideas were unacceptable to organs of power such as the Council On Foreign Relations. (or non-relations, in the case of the Russian Federation, Islamic Republic of Iran, & the DPRK) While the Right-detachment of the bourgeoisie used him as a way to re-brand themselves; a desperate attempt to keep the masses satiated, thinking that something ‘different’ was going to ensue, Trump horrified them in the sense that, in many ways, he actually followed through with his promises. (I assure you that is not the norm among this group) Of course, there have also been about faces, but if Trump tumbles, we know it is because key parts of the Right-detachment don’t want to go down with him. Now all of this is relating to his “close ties” with another country. Close ties to Saudi Arabia, the world’s largest state exporter of Islamic Fundamentalist ideology? Nope. That would have been acceptable, and in fact the President ,as things fall apart for him in this country, ran to Riyadh and ‘kissed the ring’ in a much publicized renewal of nefarious weapons deals with that Kingdom. (Couldn’t we just execute the Yemeni children in a more humane way??) What the commercial and bourgeois press in this country is slamming the President with daily is that his non-establishment bourgeois clique is friendly with the ‘wrong’ country, that is the Russian Federation. Whole sections of the United States intelligence services and Defense Dept. are being funded and self-perpetuated based on the assumption that the United States is engaged in Cold War II. Having ties with Russia goes against what a vast majority of the vested interest in the Washington government stand for. If this was Israel, if it was the UK, heck, even if it was some benign non-aligned country like Finland, the "foreign ties" would be hard to make hay of. But if it wasn't clear before, it should be clear now: The official enemy of our ruling class and their military establishment is the Russian Federation. If that is unacceptable, what *is* acceptable? Let's look: Nixon’s ‘ties’ (if you want to call them that) with the People’s Republic of China, ditching former ally China (Taipei in the process) didn’t do him in. Ford’s cozy relationship with the West’s favourite State Socialist country, Romania, and the party leader Ceausescu didn’t ‘do him in.’ All sorts of Western leaders loved Romania at the time because it was, well a ‘maverick’ in the east, appearing not to obey “Moscow’s orders.”
Still, the things that happened in Ceausescu's Romania remain appalling. Yet, this was pardonable, even laudable. Good for them for reaching across geo-political blocs. A favourite of North Korea as well as American President Reagan, Zaire’s Mobuto Sese Soko, was warmly embraced by that administration.

They even exchanged intelligence information on American subterfuge efforts in Central america (Foreign Ties!!!!). Did that raise ire among the chattering press? Noooooooo. It wasn’t until Reagan went ‘beyond the pale of the acceptable’ and was found to be working with the Islamic Republic of Iran that things got really heated. Of course the Bush family, in their always-cozy relationship with the dynasty of Al-Saud, primary state sponsor of Islamic Fundamentalism world-wide, made some Liberal bloggers and “progressives” crazy, but was that some sort of media-wide scandal? Even after September 11th, perpetrated mostly by Saudis and allegedly planned by the most prominent non-royal family in the whole kingdom? Nooooooo.

Brothers and Sisters, this bizarre media divergence upon President Trump and the Russian Federation is certainly a manifestation of history moving forward, but the hordes of keyboard warriors, journalists, politicians, and hysterical nu-wave McCarthyite “progressives” are not acting out of principal. Do you think the Left-detachment actually ‘cares’ about whatever Russia is said to have “done wrong” in the eyes of Western elites? Of course not! These past Presidents had business ties and support from before they even ascended to the office with what should be some of the most ‘questionable’ characters on the face of the earth! The reason we are seeing a reaction such as this, one which almost seems coordinated, is because it is a *class-wide* rejection of the Presidency. The Proletariat is divided, as it is always fated to be until the distant future, but it is clear the levers of power (and those who pull them) are bailing on the Trump Presidency. He is not following what the military machine in the Pentagon and all around the world have been working toward for years, that is, confrontation with the Russian Federation that would lead to its’ neutralization as a World Power.
I would like to keep this editorial short for the sake of conciseness, but there is so much going on right now. Comrades, the key things to keep in mind:
*If Trump is removed from office it would be by a Bourgeois class revolted at his unorthodoxy and worried about his unpopularity among the masses
*For the sake of their faction, “liberals” and “progressives” are now genuflecting en masse into foreign policy hawks, vehemently anti-Russia for the simple reason that it gives them something to absolutely clobber the Right-section with. The Democratic Party , I’m sure would just have easily have collaborated with the Russian Federation or another major “foreign entity” if it means their victory; this is not a stance of principal.
*The “liberal” and “progressive” masses are reacting to the signals coming from the Democratic Party and the news media (which Trump, in his stupidity, labeled an “Enemy Of The People”) and are ready for the politicians to get rid of him. However, to preclude them from Extra-Parliamentary or Revolutionary thoughts, feelings, or practice, the Democratic Party and its’ affiliates are sure to channel this energy into the political establishment. If done unsuccessfully this truly could cause some sort of Democratic concession from the Washington government on reforming the un-responsive government. The Bourgeoisie knows this and lives in horror, imagining a day when the masses were to remove a President from office with their own hands. They would much rather handle things internally, perhaps even extra-legally if they have to.
*The selection of Trump was a strategic move by the Right-detachment of the establishment to present the same old sect in new packaging. Unfortunately for the Republicans, things spiraled out of their control. The ‘democratically elected’ President of the Republic has the lowest approval ratings of all-time. And the Democrats and their partisans are taking no prisoners in clobbering the Right-detachment in this power struggle. The left-detachment of the ruling class (The Democrats) are going hard on their criticism of the Trump administration and are even signalling that the time for impeachment has come. From the top, from their party organization, their PACs, their affiliated media outlets, their ‘activist’ networks, they are moving ahead on all fronts to take charge of the government. What the leaders at the top don’t see (because of their persistent short-termism) is that this internal clamour is weakening the foundations of the United States of America. The amount of anti-state speech, protest actions, and ideas proposed by sections of the masses influenced by the ‘liberal’ elites are getting to the point where the USA itself is coming to be a tainted concept, a discredited idea….One that may have had some value once, but is irredeemably lost. Now, of course, the Democrats don’t want anyone to believe that. However, they are continually, along with the Enemy of the People, stoking the partisans with their anti-Trump agitprop, and this could spiral out of the left-elites control just like the selection of Trump did for the right-elites. If the Democratic Party acts in a way that inadvertently discredits the system and weakens American Empire, than they could be digging the beginnings of their own grave. If more and more people find that whatever putrid alternative the ‘liberals’ have found for Trump is pursuing the same Imperial agenda of Obama, but with a tarnished office, the masses may start to become generally anti-state, as is already the case for many Conservatives.
*The simultaneous release of political prisoner Chelsea Manning & the end of persecution of Julian Assange are symptoms of the foundations of this Empire shaking. These would have never been allowed in the more stable Obama years.
*If handled poorly by the Bourgeoisie, this could be a bellwether in the beginning of revolt against this system. I had maintained before the election that we were about the equivalent of 1815 in Russia, a few years before the “Decembrist Revolt” of 1825. In this event, Military officials led an attempted coup against the head of state under the guise of “National Salvation” and advocated changing the way the leader was selected because legally the position of head of state fell to one of their opponents. Sound familiar? I feel that our ‘revolutionary clock’, so to speak, has moved forward to 1825.

I think the real question is, will this affair still be on-going in *our* December or will we be talking about a different situation under heaven?
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