National Flag Of The Syrian Arab Republic
In a move that would shock absolutely no one, American commercial media empire Vice continues to carry the Empire's line on one of America's greatest overseas clients-- The Syrian Civil Defence, referred to as the 'White Helmets'. Breathlessly, they are spoken of as taking their "last stand" in a new video. The Syrian Civil Defence portray themselves as one of the few humanitarian, non-combatant forces working in rebel-held Syria. This is actually true because the Syrian Civil Defence only operate in those rebel-held areas where the Arab Republic's agencies cannot reach. In their own mythology, the Syrian Civil Defence originated in territory held by the Syrian Democratic Forces, a coalition of Western-friendly organizations and political parties that are currently losing in their struggle to change the government in Damascus.
A network of volunteers arose, we are told, after the depredations of this atrocious war, particularly those by the Syrian government, occurred. Those in other countries saw these atrocities, most pointedly through the Syrian Civil Defense's own videos, and their social media following grew. Celebrities began to raise awareness and money for them online. Journalists wrote stories about them, and helped to perpetuate the very public relations (or propaganda, if you will) that the Syrian Civil Defence was creating for this purpose.

Member Of 'The White Helmets' Waving An Unidentified Islamist Banner
Those civilians whom the Syrian government failed in killing during their 'barbaric onslaught' (as if war could be anything else) were crying out for help from these "non-partisan" angels. The 'White Helmets' went about their work as they continued to increase the reach of their videos and got critical Western aid as their 'humanitarian works' were seen. Now, with the non-Kurdish components of the Syrian Democratic Forces on the critical backfoot, these brave men and women are about to be slaughtered by the oncoming hordes of the evil government of Bashar (Al-Assad, President of Syria.)
Well, that is all convenient for soliciting donations, arguing for Western military intervention, denouncing the Syrian government, and other political activities, but there is a problem with it: It's not true.
There are several factors that complicate the 'selfless martyr' narrative that the 'White Helmets' propagate about themselves.

The Syrian Civil Defence receives material support from the West, primarily from two different "implementing partners," as they are called in NGO-speak. One is the Mayday Rescue Foundation, a Dutch NGO started by James Le Mesurier, a former British military official. The clout of these connections to power have allowed Le Mesurier to open offices in Turkey and the Emirate of Jordan. For what the Wikipedia page is worth, Mayday Rescue Foundation's "primary role has been as an implementing partner for international support to Syria Civil Defence. for whom it has provided training, equipment, and mentorship funded by countries including the UK, Denmark, the Netherlands, and Germany..." Their website says they are currently accepting "competitive bids" for products, ostensibly those that would be then funneled to Syria.
From the NGO information website Aidstream we know that Mayday is legally based in Amsterdam, but Aidstream also reveals that the Netherlands' Ministry of Foreign Affairs funds Mayday, and that their budget in 2017 was $5.128 million. These transfers of money from the Dutch government began in Dec 2016, with a payment of 3.49 million Euros, continued with 4 other smaller donations throughout 2017. Mayday received 1.697 million Euros on September 22, 2017. 1.206 million Euros on December 31 2017, and 1.045 million Euros also on December 31st.
The other "implementing partner" of the Syrian Civil Defence is called Chemonics, based out of Washington DC. Again Wikipedia provides some information: Chemonics "works for bilateral and multilateral donors, and the private sector, to manage projects in developing countries. The organization bids primarily on contracts from the US Agency For International Development...These sectors include agriculture and food security, corporate partnerships, democracy and governance, economic growth, education and youth, environment and natural resources, gender equality, social inclusion, health, peace and stability, supply chain solutions, and water." Who needs other aid agencies, the UN, or even the US government when you have this group who can apparently do everything themselves?
Even the USAID has subjected Chemonics to criticism after it was allowed to be "the largest single recipient of post-earthquake funds from USAID, receiving over 196 million in contracts most of which were no-bid...These contractors brought their own people to do the jobs instead of hiring locals. When locals were required by USAID, Chemonics limited the...selection process and increased the risk of corruption or favouritism..."
Syrian Big-Character Poster Portrays Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad, Above A Bust Of His Father
In Afghanistan, another country undergoing a US-led "rebuilding" effort, USAID Afghanistan awarded a $62m contract to Chemonics. A 2008 audit of the contract by the OIG found "...buildings constructed by Chemonics subcontractors were not acceptable because of significant construction defects." The Manchester Guardian reports that the Department of Labor found "...group discrimination against applicants based on race while trying to fill entry-level positions." According to the Guardian, none of the 124 black Americans who applied for jobs in Chemonics International's Regional Business Units were hired." How would Chemonics fare in a post-war Syria should the war end with the overthrow of the government? Would they hire blacks, and even more pertinently, would they hire Syrian Arabs for the "rebuild" of their country? If the war had gone another way, we would no doubt be hearing of it through American government audits.
An Example Of A Peculiar War-Time Syriac-Russian Propaganda Poster, Portraying Bashar Al-Assad & Vladimir Putin

The other "implementing partner" of the Syrian Civil Defence is called Chemonics, based out of Washington DC. Again Wikipedia provides some information: Chemonics "works for bilateral and multilateral donors, and the private sector, to manage projects in developing countries. The organization bids primarily on contracts from the US Agency For International Development...These sectors include agriculture and food security, corporate partnerships, democracy and governance, economic growth, education and youth, environment and natural resources, gender equality, social inclusion, health, peace and stability, supply chain solutions, and water." Who needs other aid agencies, the UN, or even the US government when you have this group who can apparently do everything themselves?
Even the USAID has subjected Chemonics to criticism after it was allowed to be "the largest single recipient of post-earthquake funds from USAID, receiving over 196 million in contracts most of which were no-bid...These contractors brought their own people to do the jobs instead of hiring locals. When locals were required by USAID, Chemonics limited the...selection process and increased the risk of corruption or favouritism..."

Syrian Big-Character Poster Portrays Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad, Above A Bust Of His Father
In Afghanistan, another country undergoing a US-led "rebuilding" effort, USAID Afghanistan awarded a $62m contract to Chemonics. A 2008 audit of the contract by the OIG found "...buildings constructed by Chemonics subcontractors were not acceptable because of significant construction defects." The Manchester Guardian reports that the Department of Labor found "...group discrimination against applicants based on race while trying to fill entry-level positions." According to the Guardian, none of the 124 black Americans who applied for jobs in Chemonics International's Regional Business Units were hired." How would Chemonics fare in a post-war Syria should the war end with the overthrow of the government? Would they hire blacks, and even more pertinently, would they hire Syrian Arabs for the "rebuild" of their country? If the war had gone another way, we would no doubt be hearing of it through American government audits.

An Example Of A Peculiar War-Time Syriac-Russian Propaganda Poster, Portraying Bashar Al-Assad & Vladimir Putin
What better backers to help save Syria from itself? So why would Chemonics, like Mayday, back the Syrian rebels? The Syrian Civil Defence claims (endlessly) to be "non-partisan". Why would Chemonics back them? What would they have to gain? Once the facts have been elucidated I have no doubt that you can put them together for yourself. The quest for the dollar runs through the fields of civilian and combatant dead, families separated, and refugees made.

Relatively-New Big-Character Poster Portraying Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad
The USAID has also given Chemonics money for its initiatives in Libya, (another country the US has essentially destroyed through proxies) working to "build stability and resiliency through civic engagement and community dialogue in Libya." It is pertinent that one of the goals of the chillingly-titled "Libya Transition Initiative III" (What are we 'transitioning' to?) is to "reduce the influence of militant and extremist groups." Remember that for Syria.
On its website Chemonics boasts that "Chemonics values, attitudes, and behaviors" include "set(ting) high standards and deliver(ing) quality results" (But not in Haiti or Afghanistan), "accelerate change and be part of the change" (as if any "change" were good), "Be transparent" (Thanks to USAID and Department of Labor audits), "Do the right thing" (Like not hiring black people?), & "Honor commitments and be accountable." Their "work in international development is rich with promise and idealism." This is the dangerous Liberal-interventionist "Idealism" of the American Empire. The old system of outright domination and the British East India Company is replaced by NGOs, 'Micro-finance', and 'reconstruction.' The United States and their allies intervene in conflicts in foreign countries across the world, often causing more chaos and destruction. This is not for any objective good of the masses in those countries (who cannot of course build or re-build their country on their own), but for the benefit of Bourgeois elites, like those profiting off of the work of Chemonics. While intervening with its military and intelligence agencies, the Empire converts public monies to private profits through USAID. Since the 1950's, the United States has intervened politically or militarily in Haiti, Guatemala, Nicaragua, el Salvador, Colombia, Serbia (as Yugoslavia), Montenegro, Ukraine, Lebanon, Iraq, South Sudan, Somalia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Angola, South Africa, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Vietnam. Chemonics now does business in every one of these countries. How much less "development" would have been "needed" by Americans had not the rightwing 'death-squads' of Central America happened, or the invasions of Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam, or the support sent to the nascent Mujahadeen...

Cartoon Metaphorically Depicting The Cost Of American Imperialism On The World
When one searches the founder of Chemonics, Thurston F Teele, the first result is titled "Thurston F. 'Tony' Teele (FBI) Muckrock." No, he was not an FBI informant or agent. While that would have been somewhat believable (and certainly more interesting), the truth is that there was a Freedom Of Information Act request on this person by a Ms. Beryl Lipton. The request included the information that Teele "Worked in the US Foreign Service and as an analyst for USAID's Executive Secretariat." Teele left USAID to found a company whose revenues would depend on receiving public funds provided by USAID. Is the word 'oligarch' reserved only for Russians? This corruption would fester over the decades, then blossom fully in Haiti, Afghanistan, and Syria with disastrous results.

A Big-Character Poster Portraying Leader Of The Arab Socialist
Ba'ath Party (Syria Branch) Bashar Al-Assad
Having worked in pre-Communist western-friendly Afghanistan, Teele surely would have been perturbed when Revolution dislodged one of his customers. Having visited Afghanistan again later in his life, it should have been manifestly apparent how that country had fallen. The FBI denied the FOIA request, saying that they had nothing in their records relevant to Mr. Teele. That is doubtful, but I guess irrelevant. We can judge his legacy by the countries in which his company is engaged in. What is the state of these countries?

Public Demonstration During The Socialist Period; Afghanistan
In its on-line history of itself, Chemonics boasts in 1995, "The company began to...nurture emerging markets in more than a dozen Soviet-bloc countries. Chemonics specialists win praise for groundbreaking work in privatizing banking, business, and loan assets." We can say Chemonics sees itself as vital, whether true or not, to the transition from the state-economy to the oligarchic social structure that prevails today in those societies. The thankful masses applaud Chemonics! What charity.
Under Ashraf Rizk (Teele's successor), Chemonics re-entered Afghanistan in 2002. The same year the United States invaded Ba'athist Iraq, Chemonics "sponsored the US Global Leadership Campaign as part of an increasing effort to promote the importance of US foreign assistance." In May 2005, 4 Chemonics employees sadly lost their lives in terrorist attacks. It would not be the last time Chemonics would put human beings in danger, but by the time they were funding paramilitaries in 2015, the game for them had changed completely.
Chemonics "transitions to full employee ownership" in 2011, and in 2013, the 4th leader, Susi Mudge, takes over. Her Linkedin profile boasts Chemonics has "an annual budget of over $500 million." Mudge won an award for her marketing work in Central and South American tourism promotion. The company history ends in 2015 just as their involvement in an active Civil War begins. Mudge's Chemonics bio promotes her time as "Director in the Europe and newly independent states division, where she oversaw several large privatization and enterprise restructuring -related projects." During her time at accounting firm Ernst & Young she was a "privatization specialist."
Chemonics' Susi Mudge
Most of the personalities that populate the Chemonics board are a mix of the banal and the benign. The functionary chairing Chemonics' efforts in Syria (as well as Yemen, Afghanistan, and Iraq) is a woman named Catherine Kannam. For Gita Maite, Chemonics' Vice-President of Contracts, her biography seems to been written by a future ICC prosecutor: "She has collaborated with senior US and foreign government officials, including USAID..." Controller Vlad Mitchell received his education at "the School of Market Economy" in Bulgaria. Christopher Scott, a senior Vice-President, "served as Chief of Party for USAID in Ukraine and the West Bank. Early in his career, Mr. Scott acted as a senior advisor and Chief of Party in Belarus, Iraq, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Yemen. It is remarkable that one would have time to work in so many countries. One is also struck how, excepting the Emirate of Jordan, Scott's resume provides a near-complete list of formerly State-Socialist nations that are now wallowing in oligarchical 'reformed' Capitalist social and economic systems, where expectation and hope has been replaced with stagnation. Also on its board, Chemonics has a member of the Council of Foreign Relations (Dov Zekheim).

President Husni al-Za'im Of The Syrian Republic (1949)
All the current Chemonics USA job openings are in either Washington DC or Arlington, Virginia, both located in the wealthy "DMV" region, which is economically sustained by government spending, private-public partnerships, and contracts. Outside of the US, Chemonics was hiring for staff in Syria, both for "Syria Regional Program" and a future "SRPII". In the job descriptions for these, Chemonics refered to the areas controlled by the Syrian Democratic Forces as "liberated". Since I first collected this data, these job listings have disappeared. Perhaps the positions were filled. Perhaps they are no longer necessary, as the changing war situation has fundamentally obviated the possibility of sending staff to live and work semi-permanently in "liberated" Syria.
Glassdoor, a career review and job listing site, is inadvertently telling when it comes to Chemonics. A former employee writes on the site (2019): "Not a place for real development professionals. Technical expertise is almost non-existent. Complete lack of accountability of senior management. Complete mismanagement of USAID's multi-billion dollar supply chain project...Toxic executive team...The new CEO is horrible. He was leading the Supply Chain Project that failed miserably and was investigated by congress. The only explanation for choosing this person that I can see is greed on the part of investors."

Gamal Abdul Nasser, President Of The United Arab Republic (1958-1961) & Legend Of
Arab Nationalism & Socialism
Another is titled "Chemonics: Dysfunctional and corrupt" from May 25, 2019 and states: "I work(ed) at Chemonics for more than 5 years...Chemonics is failing miserably at their management of the Global Health Award. Don't believe the hype, I've had colleagues admit that Chemonics HR staff mandated they add reviews (to) Glassdoor...Chemonics is corrupt when the Chief Officer of Ethics is breaking all the rules, promoting bad hiring practises as the Ethics Officer, there is a deep problem...The sad truth is USAID or OIG are not doing their job protecting tax payer(s) $$ If they did Chemonics would never receive funding. Advice to management: Continue to allow the same intelligent dummies to guide Chemonics: you are real geniuses of development work, hence, why you cannot manage a decent project."

Amin Al-Hafiz, President Of The Syrian Arab Republic (1963-1966)
"Development Does Not Work Here", another is titled. It continues "Chemonics' business model isn't sustainable for its employees. This is not development, it is exploitation of people for profit." "Questionable Practices, Low Morale" (2019) reads: "Company should be investigated."
"Practice What You Preach" (2018) states "There are a lot of diversity issues still going on here." Another, from 2018 says, "There is a fair amount of favoritism and racism in this company...They have a white female at the upper level now and then to spice-up things a bit but that's about it. They were even written up by the Department of (L)abor in 2016 (google it) for discriminating against black applicants at the executive level." Pair this with the USAID's earlier censuring of racist entry-level hiring practises at Chemonics, and it seems to be a global issue with this company. More denouements come from former employees:
"It is so evident that the real drive of the company is to improve profit."
"As a white person, I remember working in Chemonics and being disgusting at the comments and remarks of my white colleagues...This is how awful Chemonics is, an HR staff once said 'I don't understand what USAID wants us to do, it's not even our fault minorities are not smart enough to pass our entry test..." These are the people who believe they have the best interests of Arab countries in mind
"For a company implementing anti-corruption projects around the world, Chemonics is the most corrupt company I've seen...USAID/OIG should impose more frequent audits..."
"Good for entry-level jobs, then leave" (2015) memorably states. "Chemonics is one of those companies that keeps falling but never hits rock bottom...financial management is terrible, innovation is nil, and HR is nil"
"Surprised that they still win contracts from USAID. If you are a Director or senior manager, you can make a lot of money off USAID's ignorance. The most unethical company in DC. Lives by cheating its main client, USAID. If you google Chemonics finance audit you see SIGAR audits and articles in the Atlantic showing how Chemonics takes USAID's money while providing really poor services...Your Director will never tell you to falsify your timesheet, they will simply mention that 'the projects need(s) to spend money'"
"Nothing to do with development work. Advice to management: Go to Wall Street and let us have back our values"
"Sinking ship! For instance, the CIO received $1.8 million ca$h bonus last year, and (that) doesn't include stock options, 401K cash contribution, stock bonuses, etc (all totaled $4.5 million)...Chemonics is in such financial despair that they have defaulted on several loan payments...Jump before it goes all the way down." But Chemonics is still floating, and it is 2019. And it increased company involvement in the bloody money-pit that is the Syrian Civil War. Why this....investment(?). Why did funding the Syrian Civil Defense, or 'White Helmets' as they are colloquially known, become one of the primary functions of 'The Most Unethical Company in DC? Was it because, as "Disaster" (2012) puts it, "...The employees are too ideological for their own good"?

Nureddin Al-Atassi, President Of The Syrian Arab Republic (1966-1970)
Chemonics senior staff latched onto the prevailing story that the Civil Defence was promoting and intended to be the interlocutor between the United States government and the Syrian rebels. Was there profit in this? And why expose the company to more risk in a time of 'transition'? Chemonics is "a place where bright ambitious people go to become jaded and burnt-out." (2009) And if they make it past 1-2 years, according to the reviews, than one joins a cliquish exclusive, elite where the ideals of one's past began to fade until political correctness, loyalty, and financial success become the North Star in one's career. Is this how the company became the sponsor to such a morally-compromised entity as the Syrian Civil Defence? Was it idealism or greed? Was it both?

Ahmad Al-Khatib, President Of The Syrian Arab Republic (1970-1971)
"It's A Proposal Mill," states a 2019 review. Chemonics "Does not support or really care about implementation. It is always about the bottom line (not) about results. They really do not care what happens to their beneficiaries." Continuing the colonialist tradition of compensating a foreign elite, and a local comprador class, but unevenly so, Chemonics implements a "development model" with "Different pay structures for expats and locals(.) Pay structure is insufficient to cover living costs(.)" From a Chemonics employee in Uganda comes this: "Favors foreign staff to deliver. Doesn't trust the locals."

Hafez Al-Assad, President Of The Syrian Arab Republic (1971-2000)
& Father Of Current President Bashar Al-Assad
So now we understand who- and how- the United States government through USAID and Chemonics is funding their programs, which include the Syrian Civil Defence. So what are we getting for our money? After establishing their successful patronage from Chemonics, the Syrian Civil Defence continued their influential lobbying and media campaign aimed at the West. The staffing of what would become the 'White Helmets' came next. A contractor based out of the United Arab Emirates began to traffic volunteers out of the country into Turkey, where they were trained by Akut Search and Rescue in 2013. In 2014, there were allegedly 3,000 volunteers for the Civil Defence in operation in Syria. And with opposition control peaking in that year, they must have had quite the great opportunity to operate. They say, far from simply helping victims of Syria & Russia (always the Russians), they have become the victims of bombing themselves. It's as if the evil Damascus government wants these civilians killed , and anyone who tries to interfere will be killed as well! The Civil Defence says that the Syrian and Russian bombers will attack civilians, wait for (the valiant) 'White Helmets' to come begin the rescue effort, and then bomb again! They said this in the magazine The Economist. 7 members of the Civil Defence were even assassinated at their operation centres in Sarwin (On this point, my only information comes from the Syrian Civil Defense themselves; I cannot find any source to independently verify this attack.) Why this opposition? Why this......terrorism? There is always a reason. And often, those who look most innocent, who cultivate the aura of purity are truly the opposite. Is this the case with the Syrian Civil Defence?

Abdul Halim Khaddam, President Of The Syrian Arab Republic
, 2000, during the interim from Hafez Al-Assad to Bashar Al-Assad
But alas-- in May 2018, the United States State Department announced that funding (not counting that from USAID) has been frozen. What gives? Is it a Russian conspiracy? Or the machinations of the evil President? What would lead even the United States to restore credulity when it comes to the Civil Defence? Could the organization been something other than what it portrayed itself to be? As the Syrian Democratic Forces began to decline severely in 2018, some members of the Syrian Civil Defence began to flee the country. They either went to Jordan, a US-allied Emirate with a high population of Syrian refugees, or through the Golan Heights territory, an illegally-occupied piece of Syria held by Israel. Some even got asylum in the United Kingdom.

Nur Al-Din Kahal, Prime Minister
Of The United Arab Republic (1958-1960)
The Syrian Civil Defence is not a member of the International Civil Defence Organization because that seat is already taken by the official Syrian Civil Defence Forces, who are the nation-wide search -and-rescue forces. The SCDF were here before the 'White Helmets', and yes, they do everything that the 'White Helmets' purport to do. According to magazine Newsweek, the 'White Helmets' have an annual budget of $30 million at its peak in 2015. In addition to their search-and-rescue operations, the Syrian Civil Defence "unsuccessfully lobbied the European Union and governments to impose a no-fly zone over certain parts of Syria to protect civilians from airstrikes." To protect civilians from airstrikes, or to take from the Syrian government the tool that was allowing them to turn the tide in war? If a no-fly zone had been imposed in Syria, the Syrian Democratic Forces would no doubt be in a better territorial and strategic position than they are today. But it wouldn't have just been them. The Daesh Caliphate would likely still be a territorial entity, and the progress the Syrian government had made would have been slowed, possibly by years.

Emblem Of The International Civil Defence Organisation
The lobbying for the no-fly zone failed, and now the Syrian Civil Defence have begun to be obviated by the official search-and-rescue forces who operate in government-held territory. Despite all evidence to the contrary -- They receive money from Holland, UK, EU, and the US, some of the same primary supporters of the Syrian Democratic Forces; The fact that they only operate where the Syrian Civil Defence is in control-- The Syrian Civil Defence claims it is "an impartial humanitarian NGO, with no affiliation to any political or military actor..."

Abdel Hamid Al-Sarraj, Prime Minister Of The
United Arab Republic (1960-1961)
Who is fooled? Scores, it turns out. However, the public opinion victories didn't stop other patrons from withdrawing. Holland also withdrew. Volksrant reported Amsterdam did so because "The supervision over the activity of White Helmets is inadequate and there is a risk that funds meant for the rescue workers would end up in the hands of armed groups" Shock! Surprise!

Salah Al-Din Al-Bitar, Thrice Prime Minister
Of The Syrian Arab Republic (1963, 1964, 1966)
Still, positive PR matters for something. There have been "White Helmets" films. Both of them have won awards, and won over swathes of people who had never been given the chance to hear arguments against them. In a coup worth more than any amount of re-tweets the Syrian Civil Defence was actually nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. They didn't win that, but they did win the Right Livelihood Award, and not everyone is happen with it.

Yusuf Zuayyin, Twice Prime Minister
Of The Syrian Arab Republic (1965, 1966-1968)
The website of the Anti-War activists World Beyond War, opposed this, in "Statement Requesting The Retraction of the Livelihood Award Give To The White Helmets." Who on earth would oppose this? World Beyond War leaves no stone unturned in their dissent, laying out every group of facts that reveal the 'White Helmets' as......other than what they are supposed to be.
"We believe strongly that this award has been given in error, because not enough evidence, was presented to the committee. We ask the committee to consider the following documented and supported evidence. The White Helmets claim to be a neutral and impartial humanitarian NGO, with no official (alliance) to any political or military actor and a commitment to render services to any in need regardless of sect or political affiliation. We will now determine the legitimacy of this claim.
1: They receive funding from UK, ($65m) USA, (via USAID $23m), Holland ($4.5m), Germany ($7.87m) and Japan via the Mayday Rescue "Foundation".
The White Helmets were established in Gazientep, Turkey, not Syria.
3. The White Helmets are embedded exclusively in areas of Syria occupied by Nusra Front and ISIS, along with various associated "moderate rebels" such as Ahrar Al Sham and Nour Al Din Zinkr...Nour Din Zinkr was recently videoed beheading (a) 12 year-old Palestinian child, Abdullah Issa.

The Beheaded 12 Year-Old Palestinian Issa, Killed By Allies Of 'White Helmets'
4. ...in Jan. 2016, the White Helmets in Idlib were photographed attending demonstrations and carrying banners that were calling for the "burning and destruction" of Kafaya and Foua. These are two Idlib villages under full siege by Ahrar Al Sham and Nusra Front (Al Qaida in Syria) since March 2015...
5. There is video and photographic evidence available that clearly shows the White Helmets participating in Nusra Front Operations...There is one particularly damning video taken during the Nusra Front violent and brutal attack on Idlib in March 2015. In this video, White Helmet operatives are seen clearly beating a Syrian civilian prisoner of Nusra Front.
6. The White Helmets have been filmed "cleaning up" after a Nusra Front execution of a civilian prisoner in northern Aleppo. They were on the scene and did nothing to prevent it.
7. Various other White Helmet operatives have posted videos of the torture and execution of Syrian Arab Army prisoners to the social media pages with celebratory comments. One such operative, Muawiya Hassan Agha, is alleged to have (been) sacked for his participation in such execution.
8. The leader of the White Helmets Raed Saleh, was deported from Dulles Airport in the US (in) April 2016...Mark Toner of the US State Department did admit to funding the group with $23m and suggest(ed) that Raed Saleh might have 'extremist connections'.
9. The White Helmets are known as the Syrian Civil Defence. There is an existing Syria Civil Defence. The REAL Syria Civil Defence in 1953...(They) were found(ing) members of the ICDO (International Civil Defence Organizations), which is affiliated with the UK, WHO, OCHA, Red Cross, Red Crescent...The real Syria Defence do operate in both (opposition) and government-held areas , they operate with equipment that has been decimated by the war and sanctions and they do not receive up to $100m in funding...
11. The White Helmets have been exposed recycling images of children and incidents from the conflict in Syria, to support their narrative using images from a previous incident or even fake images altogether.

Stills from one of their 'rescue' videos, and then a selfie afterward , showing the 'victim' posing for the camera
12. The White Helmets have been filmed described Syrian Arab Army bodies as "trash" and one particular video shows them standing on top of a pile of SAA bodies...They flick a victory v sign as the truck drives off.

Members Of The Syria Civil Defence, A Purported 'Search-and-Rescue' Group, Carrying Weapons
13. There are many more images...that reveal the White Helmet operatives carrying arms or posing with arms alongside the various armed militia including Nusra Front.
14. Adulatory publicity about the White Helmets is the result of commercial marketing and social media promotion...the PR network is: Avaaz - Purpose - Syria Campaign - White Helmets. The funding and connections back to organizations and US state funded entities...have a vested interest in events in Syria...
15. The White Helmets...average 4 or 5 videos per day, depicting their rescue efforts. The REAL Syria Civil Defence...cast doubt as to the White Helmets being...first responders...they pinpoint...the equipment is too heavy weight for...finding bodies beneath collapsed buildings. The treatment of injured bodies is dangerous(.) They are flung unto stretchers with no back support or neck brace, for example. Many of the paramedic procedures shown on film are also deemed questionable. The White Helmets rarely travel without a sizable camera team of crew of mobile phone cameramen. The REAL Syria Civil Defence do not.
16. ...Dr Baseem Hayak of the Aleppo Association, based in West Aleppo...told me that his family and the majority of civilians in East Aleppo do not know who the White Helmets are which begs the question where are they conducting much promoted humanitarian work? Dr Hayak also said that the UN agencies in East Aleppo who work with the Aleppo Medical Association are not aware of the White Helmets.
It is an organisation with clear affiliation to governance involved and invested in the Syrian conflict (and) it is not a grass-roots Syrian organisation.
The evidence demonstrated that the White Helmets are sectarian...The White Helmets claim to be neutral and non-aligned yet they actively promote and lobby for US/NATO intervention. This in direct violation of the norms of authentic humanitarian work...This organisation effectively campaigns for war in Syria
Vanessa Beeley
US Peace Council Member
"It goes further. In a 21st Century Wire article, Beeley continues her expositions on the Syrian Civil Defence. She critiques the "non-profit industrial complex" and writes "In a paper entitled Foreign Aid and Regime Change: A Role For Donor Intent, written just prior to NATO intervention in Libya, Prof. Sarah Blodgett, describes the "democratization" process for target nations...Both perfectly outline the role played by NGOs in this process...All of whom have a vested interest in the outcome of..."intervention" in a particular location. The importance of 'picking winners' in this scenario, as opposed to respecting and supporting the will of the people (was discussed).
White Helmets: Follow The Money
"The White Helmets were established...by James Le Mesurier, a British 'security' specialist 'ex' British military intelligence officer with an impressive track record in some of the most dubious NATO theatres including Bosnia and Kosovo as well (as) Iraq, Lebanon, (and) Palestine. Le Mesurier is a product (of the) elite Royal Military Academy at Sandhurst, and has also been placed in a series of high profile (posts) at the United Nations, European Union, and UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office. From South America to the Ukraine and the middle east, USAID serves (a) malevolent and ultimately destructive role in the dismantling of sovereign nations and their reduction to western hegemony vassal states as always, all in the name of freedom and democracy....The group recycled older photographs on twitter in an effort to blame Russia for 'civilian deaths' - even before the alleged Russian (atrocity) had occurred."

Muhammad Naji Al-Otari, Prime Minister
Of The Syrian Arab Republic (2003-2011)
The 21st Century article then shifts its focus to the organizer of the Syrian Civil Defence and leader of its' "implementing partner," Mayday Rescue Foundation, James Le Mesurier.
"When we delve deeper into the life and times of Le Mesurier we see that it is no happy accident that he was in Istanbul in this juncture...According to Mesurier's own biography on the website, Mayday Rescue was founded in 2014 after he had established Syria Civil Defence/White Helmets...Western nation-builders normally prescribe...proxy armies of foreign mercenaries under the guise of various factions...While all this is going on a parallel government has already been formed by the West, laying in wait in some 5-star hotel in Paris or London."

Riyad Farid Hijab, Prime Minister
Of The Syrian Arab Republic (2012)
While some of what Beeley suggests may seem overly-conspiratorial, there are these 'parallel governments' in existence. Yemen has one, based in Saudi Arabia. Venezuela's 'parallel government' of Guido is supported by the West. There have been organizations purporting to be the 'government-in-waiting' of Iran for at least 30 years.
In summation: The so-called 'White Helmets' were allegedly established in a foreign country (Turkey) by a non-Syrian (British) former intelligence operative. They began missions in Syria as the Civil War was heating up. They also began operation around the same time as the gulf-Islamist states began funding the more fundamentalist opposition, while the United States, Holland, and the UK began funding and arming what they call 'moderate opposition.' Some organizations, such as the Arab League, kicked the legal government of Syria out, replacing it with the rebel government-in-waiting. This opposition government was not operational within all, or even most, of Syria.

Wael Nader Al-Halqi, Prime Minister
Of The Syrian Arab Republic (2012-2016)
It is at this period of heightened international tension, the 'White Helmets' made their debut. They began to be known throughout the Internet for their videos, showing their "rescues". These "rescues" were later cast into doubt by the official and pre-existing search and rescue Civil Defence of Syria. Because the 'White Helmets' basically appeared out of nowhere, they need much support for the actual search-and-rescue operations, which is what they purported their main effort was.

Imad Khamis, Prime Minister
Of The Syrian Arab Republic Since 2016
The 'White Helmets' claim that they are politically non-partisan. This is manifestly false. In fact, the Syrian Civil Defence is closely aligned with the Syrian Democratic Forces and Islamist force Ahrar Al-Sham. The Syrian Civil Defence's fortunes are closely tied to its political patrons-- Both Ahrar Al Sham and SDF have declined since 2015. Some Syrian Civil Defence forces have fled through Israel and left Syria, as if they were a partisan political force fleeing the enemy. Second, their behavior in the shadows became more erratic: 'Palling around with terrorists' (as we say in the United States), being present at extra-judicial executions by Islamist groups and doing nothing to save the victim etc. They did nothing to 'rescue' these Syrians when they were present. For a 'search-and-rescue' operation this is unconscionable, and leads one to start asking the kind of questions that should be asked of the Syrian Civil Defence. They receive US tax-payer money through unaccountable channels, calling their fellow countrymen (dead, at that) "scum" and "garbage" as they stood on their bodies. And this is just what I have been able to cover in this already lengthy essay.
The successful intervention by the Russian Federation really turned the tide of the long war. It was the beginning of the end for the Syrian Civil Defence, as well. First, some Islamist splinter groups disappeared (One doesn't hear about Ahrar Al-Sham anymore.) Even the Daesh Caliphate was defeated almost completely. The late situation has fundamentally changed.
But -- Chemonics, USAID-- These funders, who threw so much into a blatantly partisan, at-least mildly deceptive, organization, they remain. Historically, this project was probably their biggest gamble. Had the rebels succeeded, Chemonics may have already began opening offices in Syria, as well as raking in extra revenue from a new market. They will continue, but their biggest gamble-- to capture a new reconstruction market by determining the course of the conflict-- failed.

Flag Of The Syrian Communist Party (Bakdash), A Participant
In The Ruling National Progressive Front
As expressed by former Chemonics employees, there is indication that USAID would begin to scrutinize Chemonics closer. Alternately, they may be able to go on another decade or maybe more. Will they fund another rebel group in the next country targeted by the United States? Will 'Re-Constructing,' from completely avoidable, politically-motivated destruction continue to be a legitimate way of making dollars? As long as the US Imperial System exists, creating victims, the 'NGO-industrial complex' will follow behind. And so will their discriminating hiring practises.

Seal Of The Arab Socialist Union Party, A Participant In The Ruling National Progressive Front & A Nasserist Political
Organization In Syria
If this is the way USAID-funded aid work is headed, than I would suggest paying close attention to the next country the US chooses. Chemonics and its "non-partisan" insurgent sponsee may be there. Will you fall for for their lies that they are non-partisan, that they are 'humanitarian professionals'? Will you fall for it again?

Scene From The Syrian Civil War
Works Cited (In order of appearance) --Vice Video - The Last Days Of The White Helmets In Syria
The White Helmets - Support The White Helmets
Wikipedia - Syria
Wikipedia - Syrian Democratic Forces
Livemap - Map Of Syrian Civil War
Twitter - The White Helmets
Media File - Through The Cloud Of Celebrity Endorsements, Syria's White Helmets Shine On The Global Stage
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Albawaba - Coldplay Supports The White Helmets, Where Do Other Arab & Western Celebrities Stand On Syria? The New York Times - After Years Of War, Celebrities Find A Group To Back
Teen Vogue - I'm A White Helmets Volunteer Saving Lives In Syria With The Syria Civil Defense & The World Must Join Me
TRT World - Undettered, Syria's White Helmets Say They Continue Rescue Work
Vice - Syria's First Responders Say They Need A No-Fly Zone, But No One Listens
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UN Career - Administrative Officer At Jordan, UNcareer.net/vacancy/administrative-officer-1725574
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Aidstream - Activity Viewer, aidstream.org/who-is-using/nl-kvk-855689493/4244
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Chemonics - Catherine Kannam
Chemonics - Gita Maitra
Chemonics - Vlad Mitchev
Chemonics - Christopher Scott
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Glassdoor New Zealand - Chemonics International: Not A Place For Real Development Professionals
Glassdoor - Chemonics= Dysfunctional & Corrupt
Glassdoor - Chemonics International : Development Does Not Work Here
Glassdoor - Chemonics International : Toxic Environment In Finance & Accounting, Revolving Door, Questionable Practices Low Morale
Glassdoor - Chemonics International: Practice What You Preach
Glassdoor - Chemonics International: Accounts Payable
Glassdoor - Chemonics International: Good Place To Start, Only Stay If You Want To Play The Game
Glassdoor - Chemonics International: Racially Divided!!
Glassdoor - Chemonics International: Most Corrupt Company!!
Glassdoor - Chemonics International: Good For Entry-Level Jobs; Then Leave
Glassdoor - Chemonics International: Surprised That They Still Win Contracts From USAID
Glassdoor Ireland- Chemonics International: Nothing To Do With Development Work
Glassdoor - Chemonics International: Sinking Ship!!
Glassdoor India - Chemonics International: Disaster
Glassdoor - Chemonics International: A Place Where Bright, Ambitious People Go To Become Jaded & Burnt Out
Glassdoor- Chemonics International: It's A Proposal Mill
Glassdoor - Chemonics International: Racism
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